Waterkaarten en boeken
| Pilots
| Binnenwater Europa
Artikelnr.: S003222
The past four editions of Tidal Havens of the Wash and Humber have become the standard yachtsman's pilot guide to the area between the marsh ports of North Norfolk and the Humber estuary. Forth, Tyne, Dogger, Humber now includes the fifth edition of this acclaimed work, together with Cook's Country, a wholly original guide to the uniquely scenic and historic coasts of North Yorkshire and Northumberland. The author's fascinating personal insights complement accurate, up-to-date information on all aspects of this stretch of coastline, making this omnibus an essential addition to any sailing library
Euro 32.50
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Artikelnr.: S003223
Ralph Morris's guide to the island of Anglesey and coast from Liverpool to Pwllheli was first published over 20 years ago and has always been closely associated with The Northwest Venturers Yacht Club based in Beaumaris.
Euro 31.50
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Artikelnr.: S003225
Graham Swanson's cruising companion to this beautiful part of Ireland provides background information that is not found in the traditional pilots and almanacs. His gentle commentary of places and people is a joy to read and conveys the spirit and atmosphere of the remote harbours and anchorages tucked into the rias of Southwest Ireland. The introduction contains an illustrated section on sea birds and each cruising section is lightened by recipes for traditional dishes from the area. The photography illustrates the text and balances the detailed Imray cartography with a sequence of specially commissioned photographs by Patrick Roach
Euro 35.00
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Artikelnr.: S003221
This is the fifth editon of Cruising Guide to the Netherlands which was first published in 1988.
Euro 35.00
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Artikelnr.: S003224
Andrew Hunter Blair's guide to the Middle Level and the waterways that connect the river Great Ouse and the Nene
Euro 9.95
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Artikelnr.: S003388
There has not been a guide in English to the Inland Waterways of Belgium since E E Benest's handbook went out of print in the early 1960's
Euro 34.90
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Artikelnr.: S003385
The standard guide to the French canals and navigable rivers includes maps and distance tables for each waterway, giving the user a general view of the geography of each waterway as well as a detailed cockpit reference.
Euro 42.50
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Artikelnr.: S003384
The standard reference to the waterways of England, Wales and Scotland has been completely revised.
Euro 44.50
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Artikelnr.: S003235
Of all the countries in Europe, Ireland particularly lends itself to exploration by water.
Euro 37.50
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Artikelnr.: S003381
Another of the Imray pilots or guides that are almost uniformly excellent. Always produced by highly experienced enthusiasts who have really been there.
This fine book does the country justice. It is well illustrated, clearly mapped and enthusiastically written. It is also practically all-encompassing. It is, in short, a typical high quality example of the Imray pilots.
Euro 24.95
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Artikelnr.: S003382
This is a reference to all the navigable waterways of Germany illustrated by small scale mapping and photographs.
Euro 32.50
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Artikelnr.: S003389
The production of this new and comprehensive map was prompted by the redesign of our chart C23 East Coast of Scotland.
Euro 12.50
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Artikelnr.: S003386
Derek Bowskill's lively commentary to the river Seine is both a comprehensive guide as well as source of all the essential information for navigators on the river from the sea to Paris and beyond to the start of the French inland waterways system.
Euro 15.00
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Artikelnr.: S003380
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and is now in full colour with new colour photographs and mapping.
Euro 13.80
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Artikelnr.: S003226
Royal Northumberland Yacht Club Sailing Directions
Euro 47.50
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Artikelnr.: S003383
This compendium of information and detailed guide covers the Danube from Bavaria to the Black Sea.
Euro 19.50
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